Friday, January 9, 2009

~In _Your_ Hands~

When my life has been a roller coaster of ups and downs, i kept asking Him to fully restored what was lost in me... Yesterday's sorrows to be remember no more..!.. This was my heart's crying for..

In the middle of the night
A story made me out of sight;
i could not stare the beauty seems fading
lying in bed, deeply breathing.

Rain outpouring so loud
i could not heard me screamed;
frighten and was scared
my soul deeply wounded.

In Your Hands I long to be secured
my heart's fainting, wanting to be healed;
set me free from the nightmares of yesterday
live in me I sincerely pray.

The beauty of His face
in the sweetness of His embrace;
how could i ever forget
His unfailing love i was beset.

Holding me tightly in the palm of His hand
when no one seemed to understand;
troubled soul there's nowhere to run
looking upward to a brighter shining sun.

1 comment:

~Jenny Gomez ~ said...

HEY EVERYONE ! YOU CAN READ AND SEARCH THIS POEM @ under inspirational category! i would be glad to hear from all of you who visited my page. Thank you. God bless you all !

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