Monday, November 10, 2008

~ T_E_A_R_S ~

I was noted as the crying baby in our family ! Lol. i was just a bit sensitive and emotional. When I was still young, I could not express my anger and pain and the only resort that i had is to CRY ! That's why this was created.

Every time my heart is in pain
that causes my eyes to rain
and no one can refrain
the tears that falls within.

Tears running down my cheek
is a sign of a great defect
for a heart that fulls of ache
every time when i am weak.

It is just a special expression
of a heart that needs attention
to someone who can rely on
through times of frustration.

When I am found it's too helpless
to found someone who arises
there's no other way to express
than to tears endless.

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